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Monthly Archives: September 2009

Retro SunglassesWhen it comes to sunglasses, is retro the way to go? You are probably seeing a lot of different designs of shades these days, are they new? Truthfully, there are really no new designs, just redesigns of a formerly popular style. In the fashion world, retro designs are everywhere–and sunglasses are no exception.

One design that has poked its head back into the fashion world is well known all over. Onassis Glasses, or the Jackie-O design sunglasses were popularized by the former First Lady Kennedy. After becoming Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, she flaunted this oversized style of sunglasses all over the globe. The style was so closely associated with her, that it has shared her name since the late seventies.

After fading from the public eye, the Onassis Glasses lay dormant for about thirty years. However, poised for a comeback, these sunglasses have begun making waves on red carpets and runways all over. The women credited for bringing back the infamous sunglasses are Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton. Since then, Jackie-O’s have been seen on the faces of famous women and trendy-but-average Janes everywhere.

Another retro design of sunglasses that has made big waves recently is the cleverly named Aviators. Originally designed in the 1930’s for military pilots, Aviators were hot on fashionable faces in the 1960’s and 1980’s. True to their every-twenty-year trend, Aviators are back with vengeance and have been favorites for men, and women, with style. It is particularly true that this style of sunglasses has caught on with the younger “MTV Crowd” more than with adults. Johnny Knoxville has adapted Aviators as his signature style.

Some styles of designer sunglasses have briefly shown themselves in fashion, only to never be heard from again. This is not necessarily a bad thing. There are those sunglasses the human race still feels a little silly about. However, let’s not speak too soon. These sunglasses could be waiting in the wings for their triumphant return.

OVER-Oversized sunglasses are one fashion faux-pa most of us would rather not make. The design is a retro tribute to the late Lady O when they are slightly oversized and conservative. However, when the sunglasses appear to be attempting to take over your face, you may have crossed the line into ridiculous. Save the super sized look for clowns and put this design back in the vault.

Source: Ezinearticles

Mont Blanc SunglassesSunglasses have been around for many many years. But they became a fashion statement when people began to flaunt it and made it a must-have accessory. Since then, manufacturers have been reinventing sunglasses. They began to appear in different styles, shapes and colors.

Mont Blanc is one of the finest brands when it comes to sophisticated luxury items. They offer some of the best sunglasses in the industry because they represent a perfect combination of modern shapes and classical lines. This is actually the reason why their elegance is considered timeless, and fashionable no matter which trend is hot at the moment. Some of their lines are so popular that they have become synonymous with beauty and timeless looks. The White Star is a fitting example of the company’s consistent effort to preserve their fine workmanship and quality in the face of fierce competition and variety. Mont Blanc sunglasses offer effective protection against UV rays and have passed rigorous vision tests, so they are able to offer quality vision.

Mont Blanc sunglasses are available with all reputed stores. They are also sold online by very prestigious Internet sites. You can search for Mont Blanc sunglasses with specialized retailers that have the products available according to categories and collections.

Many people are afraid to buy eyewear online as they could get the wrong size or they fear being duped into purchasing a fake item. Fortunately, there are solutions for such situations and you can avoid them with just a little care.

First of all, prestigious and reliable sites carry detailed pictures of Mont Blanc designer sunglasses from all angles. Thus, you’ll see the sides with the inscription and the conformity certification as well as the manufacturer. This is a good method to verify the origin of the product and its authenticity. Pricing is another factor that helps verify the authenticity of the product. Mont Blanc sunglasses cost $300 or more; they surely don’t come cheap! The quality and the brand influence the price and give the products their incredible prestige. So, if you get it dirt cheap, be on guard. These are premium products and are meant to be expensive.

While purchasing glasses, you have to be very careful about the size. Always purchase from those sites that indicate the bridge and temple size as well as the type of lenses used. The color of the lens varies from gradient brown and gray to greenish or golden shades and it is up to the buyer to decide which suits his or her preferences best. Such parameters are specified for each pair of sunglasses. You can also search for Mont Blanc sunglasses according to male or female criteria, though most sites classify the products accordingly.

Source: Ezinearticles

Fossil SunglassesIn the “anything but a dinosaur” fashion category are Fossil Sunglasses. Nothing says trendy fashion like Fossil! Budget but not cheap, Fossil sunglasses range from $25 to $74. Nearly anyone can save up for this most important summer fashion accessory when Fossil sunglasses are available.

Fossil designer sunglasses are marketed in both men and women’s fashion styles and sold with people names. Trevor, Ben and Elwyn reflect the personality of these fashion shades. Other styles like “Assertive” imply that these shades can walk into the boardroom as easily as onto the beach.

The approach with Fossil is to wardrobe and accessorize whereas other companies concentrate on just sunglasses or athletic wear. Fossil coordinates from footwear to handbags so that every aspect of apparel is easily matched. Fossil sunglasses styles perfectly work with the over all trendy appearance of both casual and business attire.

The overall appearance of a Fossil shopper will always be more put together looking since the sunglasses, watches and handbags are designed to match. Simply take a look at the web site to get a good look at how Fossil styles work together. Leave nothing to the chance of error by making an entire wardrobe coordinated in one company’s styles.

Fossil sunglasses coordinated with an entire Fossil outfit is budget conscious yet quality dressing. Many of the women’s styles of Fossil sunglasses are large. Not only is the larger sunglass better protection for the eyes it also provides needed protection for surrounding tissue. Most people forget that the area around the eye is a source of pain and tenderness when exposed to excessive environmental factors. Not so with the larger lens and frames styles from Fossil sunglasses.

Keep in mind that light entering the sides of sunglasses contains harmful UV rays that can harm the eyes in the same way that direct light does. Wider sunglass frames will block this light and produce hours more comfort for those exposed to extensively bright light. Wrap around styles that fit close to the face will be of still more benefit in excessive light exposure.

Source: Ezinearticles

Chanel Pearl SunglassesSince 2003 Chanel fans everywhere have been excited about the Chanel Pearl sunglasses. Chanel did a great job creating a new look for women that want a bit of style incorporated into their every accessory, even their sunglasses. The Chanel Pearl designer sunglasses were an instant success when women saw how beautifully these glasses went with just about everything that they wore. What is even better is that there is a whole series of these pearl glasses that consumers continue to buy because they really are different from your every day sunglasses. If you are a stickler for detail, you will find that the Chanel Pearl sunglasses are a great addition to your accessory wardrobe.

Of course, the Chanel sunglasses are not really made from pearls, they are actually made from mother of pearl. Many of the glasses have rims while others are rimless, but both varieties look really sharp with just about anything. The mother of pearl simply gives what could be a very boring pair of sunglasses (other than the fact that they are Chanel!) a very distinguished look. Instead of fading into the crowd during the summer months, when you wear a pair of these beautiful sunglasses you will stand out and be noticed. Then again, if you don’t want to be noticed you can hide behind the beauty of these sunglasses, so it really is the perfect pair for everyone.

What’s great about the Chanel Pearl sunglasses is that the mother of pearl allows them to go perfectly with every outfit. The look of the mother of pearl changes depending on the lighting, what you are wearing, and what you are doing with your hair, so they really do go well with just about everything. You can wear your Chanel Pearl sunglasses when you go to the beach, but you can also wear them and look great when you go to an outdoor wedding, a baseball game, a picnic, anywhere really! Many great sunglasses are not this versatile, but the Chanel Pearl glasses really blend in and look great no matter what you are doing and where you are doing it.

Everyone has probably seen these particular Chanel sunglasses while they have been out and about, and many probably want them. What is surprising is that they are not all that expensive considering how versatile they are. Many people spend more on brands such as Oakley and they don’t look nearly as fashionable as those that buy Chanel Pearl sunglasses do! Chanel also has a fantastic reputation for their sunglasses holding up, so if you buy these sunglasses this year you’ll find that you can still wear them in five years. When you are buying a name brand product this is what many expect, but Chanel is one o the few to deliver.

Source: Ezinearticles

Plastic Fashion SunglassesDolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton and Gucci are some the biggest names in fashion. Something else they have in common is their fondness and creation of stylish eyewear. Those big, oversized sunglasses that almost swallow your face and camouflage your features are back. They are all the rage in Hollywood and elsewhere. Considered by some to be gaudy and tacky but absolutely adored by others, either way you look at them a statement is definitely made. It gives an air of mystery, or perhaps even an aura of eccentricity. Simultaneously it says “look at me” while adding “I’m a private person.” Who doesn’t enjoy keeping people guessing by being a walking mass of contradictions? This constitutes an opportunity to express individuality and versatility. It says you aren’t afraid to take risks. It also says you are whimsical and fun. Who doesn’t enjoy the idea of a fun, inviting and creative persona?

The oversized plastic fashion designer sunglasses are a fashion statement that doesn’t necessarily adhere to the guidelines of what style of sunglasses is most flattering based on your facial shape. It doesn’t matter with these sunglasses — they are oversized regardless of face shape or features. The oversized plastic sunglasses project an aloof and self-contained persona while at the same time telling the world that you don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s an opportunity to display different facets of your personality. Which is a very intriguing and liberating idea, when you consider the possibilities that abound.

It doesn’t matter if you are a trendsetter or march to the beat of your own drum, this is a style that young and old can enjoy. This is perhaps the second time around for oversized plastic sunglasses. Predictable? Boring? Not with these babies on. It’s a miraculous transformation brought about by wearing some plastic over your eyes. Whether you seek to portray mystery, whimsy or you’ve obviously mistaken me for someone who cares… this particular style of sunglasses has a unique adaptability to fit almost any occasion and personality.

Source: Ezinearticles

Outer Space SunglassesOver recent years, many scientists have been designing new and expensive technologies with the aim to save the earth, or reduce the effects from global warming. One of these ideas lies in a concept of giant solar shades.

Much like ordinary sunglasses you place over your eyes in bright sunshine, the solar shades in question block out some of the suns harmful rays, only with one major difference. These shades will rest a million miles above our heads.

The logic behind this invention is to provide the global population with one giant sunshade consisting of 16 trillion outer space solar shades. These solar shades are super thin and lightweight glass discs which act like a lens on your average sunglasses to divert the suns rays.

Dr. Roger Angel (the brains behind the glass optics) is one of the worlds most renowned experts in the field of glass optics. He is responsible for designing the mirrors on telescopes, and believes glass could the answer to solving global warming.

It is predicted that only 2% of the suns rays need to be diverted in order to save the planet from increased global warming. The solar shades will have to cover a distance of 100,000km in width. The proposed area for the solar shades to orbit at is known as the “L1 point”. This is the point of zero gravity between the sun and the earth.

The solar optics will have tiny solar panels attached which can act as rudders to provide a gliding ability for the optics to change direction if needed.

A huge problem associated with this invention will be the process of transporting these solar optics into space. Dr. Angel has calculated the total weight of the tiny sunshades to be around 20 million tonnes. Presuming if this method is chosen to save the world, and the space shuttle is still the best space exploration vehicle, it will take 870,000 trips into space to deliver the entire solar shade as the space shuttles cargo weight can be only 23 tonnes a go.

Source: Ezinearticles

Clip on sunglassesClip-on sunglasses are not actually sunglasses in the real sense, but they are an arrangement of a pair of lenses designed to fit on another pair of sunglasses. One can attach clip-ons to any pair of glasses and convert them into something totally different.

Clip-ons are comprised of two lenses attachable by a spring mechanism. Each lens is fitted with rod and a tube towards the nasal side in such a manner that the rod of one lens enters the tube of the other and is held together by the spring mechanism. This helps in increasing or decreasing the linear distance between the two lenses. Over the nasal rim they have attachments by which they can be fit on the existing pair of sunglasses.

One trendy modification is that a pair of clip-ons that can be attached to a hat, so that the wearer suffers no discomfiture of side rims. Magnetic clip-on sunglasses are available that attach to the rim of the existing glasses. They are convenient because they are easy to slip on and off. Clip-ons are also available in the flip-clip variety, which enables the wearer to flip the clip-on sunglasses when desired.

Clip-ons are not just fashion accessories; they can have several purposes. Clip-on lenses may be polarized, UV resistant, prescriptive, or with whatever other ophthalmic improvisation that the wearer seek. A person can change ordinary glasses into a pair of polarized sunglasses or prescriptive sunglasses.

Clip-ons need to be light since they are going to be attached on another pair of glasses. They can be made of glass, polycarbonate, or CR-39. Glass is scratch-resistant but it is heavy and brittle. Polycarbonate is ideally preferred, but CR-39 provides the best visual quality. The variety of tints and shapes in clip-ons is seemingly endless and each brand has its own versions of clip-ons on the market. Read more..

Mirrored lens sunglassesMirrored lens sunglasses have been going in and out of fashion. Mirrored sunglasses, also known as mirror shades, are simple sunglasses with mirrors on them. At one time, they were very popular with police officers in the US. This earned them the popular nickname ‘cop shades’. There is a reason behind this: mirrored sunglasses are the perfect cover for your eyes. With these on, you can see everything clearly but no one is privy to what is going on in your mind because your eyes are well hidden. The cherry on the cake is the way these shades make you look – cool, mysterious and totally in control!

Mirrors have been making their presence felt on sunglasses for quite some time now. These days, you find two main kinds of styles in mirrored sunglasses. The first are a pair of mirrored lenses set in metal frames. These are sometimes mistaken to be aviators. The other kind is trendier still with a single semi-circular lens that covers the eyes and some part of the face. They look like goggles and are even combined with plastic frames that act as the nose piece. These wraparounds are very popular in the sports arena.

Fashion apart, these kinds of designer sunglasses can be very beneficial to your eyes. Mirrored sunglasses have a remarkable glare reduction capacity of 10 to 60 per cent when compared to ordinary sunglasses. These sunglasses also come in a variety of colors. The yellow and blue tints enhance visibility.

Although mirrored lens sunglasses are rather expensive when compared to ordinary sunglasses, they can be depended upon to greatly reduce the glare from sun at higher elevation. Pilots flying at higher altitudes would usually use mirrored lens sunglasses as protection from the intense glare of the sun. In fact, this is one of the ways in which these sunshades became so popular. International pilots in their mirrored lens aviator sunglasses were featured in many international fashion magazines that resulted in the aviator mirrored lens sunglasses becoming the earliest style of eye wear in fashion.

There are several types of thickening elements that are applied to the surface of the lens to have a mirrored effect. These elements can either be gold, silver or even copper metallic mirror glaze applied coatings on the surface of a fully smoke tinted lens. When finished, these lenses can offer you greater UV protection compared to ordinary lens with ordinary tint. This is the process by which manufacturers produce mirrored lens sunglasses

Source: Ezinearticles